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Smart Bell Designed By a 13Yr Can Magic Burglars

| Technology | June 11, 2011

smart-bell-doobellBurglary is typical problem nowadays, and when you can’t afford an costly security alarm, than you may be thinking about the Wise Bell doorbell that might easily assist you to trick criminals into thinking you’re really in your own home.

A 13-year-old boy, Laurence Rook, has invented a unique kind of doorbell known as Wise Bell that may easily trick criminals when they’ve damaged to your home. Why is this doorbell stand out is always that this doorbell will really call your phone and permit you to possess a conversation with the one who ranged your doorbell. This sounds great, especially since trick anybody that you’re in your own home, despite the fact that you’re miles away. This isn’t the  perfect solution specifically for your phone bill if you are miles away, however it can safeguard your home, to contemplate it.
For the recognition of Wise Bell, Laurence Rook has offered 20Thousand models to communications firm Commtel Innovate, and that he might sell one more 25,000 products to another firm later on.

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RecognizeMe Application Open Your iPhone By Using Face Detection

| Apple, iPhone, Technology | May 23, 2011

recognizemeToday we now have an application for that Apple iPhone that opens your phone using face recognition tech. This latest application is known as RecognizeMe, also it scans that person using the front facing camera of the phone to be able to unlock your Apple iPhone 4 – hence earlier apple iphones won’t have the ability to make use of this feature.

Regrettably, if you wish to make use of the RecognizeMe application you will need to jailbreak your phone first because it is presently unavailable in the Application Store. Just how do you use it? This application is not perfect, so others may have the ability to unlock your phone using their face. Additionally, we must point out that this application has configurations for verification threshold, but despite the greater verification threshold, your iPhone isn’t perfectly safe. Another problem with this application is its speed, and based on the results it requires 5-just a few seconds, often even more to simply unlock your phone, so if you wish to check it out, you will need to gather together persistence.

RecognizeMe looks to place any willing Apple iPhone user in to the footwear of 007, nevertheless its not even close to perfect, and when you need to check it out, it’s important to jailbreak your Apple iPhone and get it for U.S 7 dollars.

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