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HP Pavilion G6s Collection are Budget-friendly Sandy Connection Notebook PC

| Laptops | May 22, 2011

HP-Pavilion-G6sHewlett packard has returned with a brand new affordable laptop packing Sandy Bridge, this time around the HP Pavilion g6s. Such as the g6t and g6x, the brand new g6s has a 15.6-inch display, having a rather low 1366 By 768 resolution. The Pavilion g6s includes the selection of Apple Core i3, i5 or i7 processors with RAM as high as 6GB and hard disk space as much as 750GB. Radeon HD 6470M graphics may come as a selectable add-on. Possibly what sets the HP Pavilion g6s apart the best from other laptops is its cost, which begins in a mere U.S 550 dollars (approximately. €390).

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