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GT220 GeForce PCX 512MB (128-BITS) DDR2 INNO3D Price in Pakistan

GT220 GeForce PCX 512MB (128-BITS) DDR2 INNO3D Price in Pakistan


Get GT220 GeForce PCX 512MB (128-BITS) DDR2 INNO3D Price in Pakistan. You will get the latest updated Price for GT220 GeForce PCX 512MB (128-BITS) DDR2 INNO3D here on For more information on GT220 GeForce PCX 512MB (128-BITS) DDR2 INNO3D see below.

GT220 GeForce PCX 512MB (128-BITS) DDR2 INNO3D Price in Pakistan Details:

GT220 GeForce PCX 512MB (128-BITS) DDR2 INNO3D

The new Inno3D® GeForce™ GT220 surpasses its’ predecessors with astonishing 3DM Vantage benchmarks while achieving optimised performance with all the latest features in the market. These two new entries to the 200 series pack quite a punch when comparing the shaders. GT220 has around 50% more shaders than 9500GT, and 210 100% more than 8400GS

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