Acer T230H LCD TouchScreen Monitor Price in Pakistan
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Acer T230H LCD TouchScreen Monitor Detail
The T230H is one of Acer’s gifts to the touch generation. We’re still not sold on Windows 7 touch — sure, it’s the best Windows has ever been integrated with the feature.
Regardless, the T230H is quite the well constructed beast, reminding us a little of Dell’s previous generation of UltraSharp range, particularly because of the stand and ergonomic features therein. Tragically, this is where the similarities end. For a start, Acer has chosen to include a glossy screen, meaning much higher glare and reflectivity than usual.
The touch software is also not thoroughly thought through. For multi-monitor set-ups, the T230H registers touch just fine, but if you have another screen set as primary, the click ends up there instead of on the Acer. Vexing indeed.
Another oversight — when the monitor is turned off, the screen still receives touch input. Should you ever want to clean the thing, you’ll need to yank the USB or power cable to avoid entering click hell.
It is multi-touch, for what it’s worth — Windows Photo Viewer and anything else that supports it will accept two fingers just fine to pinch zoom and rotate, although if you use more than two, it starts getting a bit confused.
The Acer uses infrared technology for the touch, which means you don’t actually have to touch the screen for it to receive an input. A few times when hovering our finger close to the screen but not touching, it registered a click. This makes quick writing or drawing difficult, with you needing to lift your hand further away than normal from the screen if you intend to get an actual break on screen, rather than a continuous line.
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